Thursday 6 October 2011

Season End

Not the most up-to-date of blogs!  Still, the season has pretty much come to an end and we have hit the October chill-out period.  Going to try to keep the fitness but tone things down a bit a recover from the season.

On the whole, I have been pleased with how things have gone.  I have ridden some of the biggest races on the domestic calendar and have competed against the best.  This has given me the experience I need to challenge in these events next year.  My points total from this year has been compromised as a result of these races, but in reality, points mean very little.  There seem to be plenty of riders on the circuit with high rankings, or Elite/1st Cat licenses, but there appears to be great disparity between the best and worst in these categories.  I know I have done the right thing this year in improving as a bike rider rather than simply chasing 'easy points'.  I have received a lot of positive comments recently following my performances throughout the year which has given me a boost and has made me more motivated to make a real go of it next year.

Training this winter is going to be pretty brutal to get me in the best shape for next year.  Just got to enjoy this chill out and maybe try a few different things - cyclocross is calling!  Lets hope my collarbones stay in one piece!!!

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